67% of Amercians are Overweight.. But only 30% admit it.
Let's get right to it.
This issue may be sensitive to about 37% of U.S. citizens. I had a really unhealthy late night snack this weekend (yes, it did include melted cheese) and couldn't help but think of the documentary I watched recently, Food Inc. Check out this trailer..... Whether or not this doc is fact, or fiction - I got a pretty clear message that I would like to know more about the food I'm scarfing down my gob. I started to look through our Ipsos News Center website and came across this incredible article about how people perceive their weight. As the title of this post clearly states, there are a lot of Americans who just don't think they are overweight. Do me a favor. Read this article It's pretty interesting. We have become less likely to see ourselves as overweight, but nearly 7 in 10 of us are in fact, a little on the heavy side. That includes 27% percent of us who are considered (you can read all about it) obese. Oh. And you may want to go check out Food Inc. Healthy or not, it has some pretty shocking ideas. I'm going to grab a burger...errr. salad. Sigh.
Hmmm. You are either with us, or against us. And by us, I don't mean me. Driving while talking on your cell phone ahs become quite the hot topic lately. Fortunately I don't drive, so i can blab all I want while my trusty transit employee drives me everywhere in the city. But that's not the issue. We are all still sharing the road, and cell phone drivers are getting a pretty bad wrap (as they should). According to this video I posted (thanks MTV/Youtube), cell phone drivers are just as bad or worse, than drunk drivers. For shame. Then I searched through our articles to see if we had anything related. Sure enough I found This.
It's happening cell phone drivers. Be afraid. Be very afraid!! Follow Up - Mad Men
Ok Ok Ok, so I like to talk about Mad Men. But now you know for sure what at least 1 of my interests are.
I took it one step further this week by making a character poll you should check out here! I also want to get you to vote for the winner of the Banana Republic Mad Men contest going on right now. One of my friends (also your friend by association) is trying to win it all. So help him out, won't you? To be fair, he has a pretty awesome Mad Men pic, which you can see here. And as a gift (of sorts) for putting a little bit of time into this, I have a great interview you can watch, which will surely get you excited for August 16th. The Interview Til next time, Dave A new season approachesNormally I wouldn’t sing such high praise for a mere television show but let’s be honest; Mad Men is worthy of the accolade. With the new season fast approaching (you can mark your calendar for Aug 16), there has been a lot of hype surrounding the (16) Emmy nominated AMC program. I remember catching an episode of season one. Being in advertising, my jaw dropped. How cool it was to be a writer or designer in a firm in the 60’s. Whiskey for breakfast, martini’s for lunch. Big clients, new media, old school hair cuts. I think you get the idea. After going on hiatus for a season (I cried, didn’t you?), the ‘Mad Men’ are stopping at nothing to pitch some great campaigns leading up to the premiere. Firstly, we have the Banana Republic Casting Call. Enter your picture for a chance to win a walk on role this season. And I thought that was pretty cool. Until I found this super fun mad men inspired avatar builder. Here’s the one I made of me. How do I look? Handsome? Maybe for a cartoon… These sites, and many more like it, along with the great ads placed around the city, have gotten everybody super excited for the premiere. I’m not sure I’ve ever been this interested in a show. But then again, it is all about advertising. So I guess now’s the time I should segue into some kinda grand finale. I link you to an article about how many people prefer mad men over real life, and what affect it has on our youth. Then we all retweet or post the article on our facebook pages and call it a day. Instead though, I think you should just spend some time looking through the mad men site, build yourself an avatar, maybe sign up for the Banana Republic contest, and if you have time, watch this clip. Best! (p.s. You have to link to youtube to watch it…by request)
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