Sotomayor- You in or out

As you may have heard,
Mr President, Barack Obama, has put in his vote.

The media has frenzied over the situation. People have taken sides, initiated water cooler convo, and experts are putting in their two cents.

But regardless of the banter taking place outside of the court so to speak, what we all may witness is the first Hispanic in history being chosen as a Supreme Court Justice.
Not a bad feat for Sonia Sotomayor, who was raised in the public housing project of the South Bronx.

I found the TOP TEN things you need to know about Sotomayor here, and even found a new york times article that delivered some of her most notable opinions and articles.

To top all of that off, I just so happen to have a great little research article from work that shows what most people actually think.
Sotomayor is getting support from the American people.

You can read this little gem here

More to come.
